Thursday, October 21, 2010

Traveling Partners

I just spent 10 days traveling to see my daughter, son-in-law and grandson. Then we travelled to see my son and daughter-in-law. All in all we put over 2,000 miles on my car. It was great!

My grandson is 2 and a half. He decided to call me "Grandfather". Where he got that we may never know. It is going to make a great story to torture him with when he is 15 or 16 though! After that he decided that I am Grammy. I can handle being Grammy!

10 days with my kids brought so much peace to my soul. Stress has been high, but a few days with loved ones and the stress drops exponentially.

It got me thinking about traveling partners. Those we choose to spend our lives with. Do we add to or reduce the stress in each other's lives? Some connections are worth any amount of stress because there is an underlying strength that comes from being with that person.

My daughter has a quote in her home that goes something like: "It doesn't matter where you go in life but those who are beside you that make the journey worthwhile."

Family, loved ones, friends, they all make the journey worthwhile.

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